Admissions Policy
No student will be excluded from St Helen School solely because of race, color, religion, sex, national and ethnic origin, or ancestry.
The final decision for allowing students to enroll at St Helen School is the responsibility of the Principal and Pastor. Students at St Helen are subject to reconsideration of admission on a year-to-year basis. The Administration reserves the right to accept or deny admission to any student. The Principal and Pastor’s decision is final with respect to student admission or readmission.
St. Helen School will evaluate on a case-by-case basis whether or not it can meet the needs of a child with a disability. If the school can make reasonable accommodations to meet the child’s needs, then the child may be offered the opportunity to enroll.
Families having children in the school in grades preschool-7 the previous year will have first priority on admission the following year.
Students new to the school will be accepted for admission based upon the following priorities:
Children of registered parishioners
Children whose families are members at another Catholic parish
Children of non-Catholics
If space is not available, parents may place their children on a waiting list. Priority on the waiting list will follow the same criteria listed above. The date of registration in the parish and the date of registration on the list will be used to place students if necessary.
In no case will students already enrolled in grade Preschool-7 be excluded from the school in order to make room for new students in the parish. However, continued non-payment of school tuition and school fees and/or previous disciplinary warnings will be a deterrent to re-admittance. All admissions/readmissions are for one year only.
St. Helen Elementary School exists primarily to offer quality Catholic education to its students. Therefore, all students are required to participate in formal Catholic religious education classes.
All children entering Kindergarten must be five years old by Sept. 30th and have successfully passed designated testing. All children entering the first grade must be six years old by Sept. 30th and have successfully passed designated testing.
All new students registering for St. Helen Elementary School must meet the minimum state academic competencies for the grade level for which he/she is seeking entrance.
All new students will be accepted to the school on a probation period. During this time, any concerns or issues will be communicated with the parents/guardians by the teacher.
All NEW students (any student not attending the prior year) will be screened as part of the admissions process.
Updated September 17, 2023