Awards & Honors

Scholastic Award
The scholastic award is an award given at the end each trimester and at the end of the year to students in grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 who show excellence in their scholastic work.
First Honors: trimester/year end and average of all 3.5-4.0 in core subjects and no less than a B in special areas.
Second Honors: trimester/year end average of 3.0-3.49 in core subjects with nothing less than a B in special areas.
St Helen Award
This award is given to students in grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 who have no checks in personal development and work/study area on the report card for all trimesters. The award is given for each trimester, with recognition of students who have had no marks for the year. Marks for spelling and handwriting are not counted against the student.
Updated September 17, 2023