Dress Code

A uniform dress code is used to aid in maintaining an atmosphere in the school that is conducive to study and learn. The dress code policy is posted in each classroom. PLEASE MARK ALL SCHOOL CLOTHES WITH STUDENT’S NAME.
Grades K-3: Plaid jumpers from Education Apparel Education Apparel #17257.
Grades 4-8: Skirts from Educational Apparel, must touch the ground when kneeling. Education
Apparel #13257
***Shorts worn under skirts and/or jumpers must not be visible.***
Slacks (Grades K-8): Navy blue, uniform style, straight-leg dress pants worn at waist level. No washed-out, low-cut, flared, skin tight or designer styles. No cargo pants (no additional zippers, pockets, or loops on the legs). Trousers may be purchased from the uniform company (Educational Apparel). They may also be purchased from the uniform section of a department store or catalog, provided they match those from the uniform company in style, fabric and color. No denim jeans. STRETCH PANTS/LEGGINGS ARE NOT PERMITTED, unless under shorts!
Blouses/Shirts (Grade K-8 ): White or light blue round or pointed collar blouse, long or short sleeves, or shirt or light blue “golf” shirt. Shirts must be tucked in. No colored garments may be worn under a uniform blouse, shirt, or tee shirt.
Trousers (Grade K-8): Navy blue, uniform style, straight-leg dress pants worn at waist level. No washed-out, low-cut, flared, skin tight, excessively loose or designer styles. No cargo pants (no additional zippers, pockets, or loops on the legs). Trousers may be purchased from the uniform company (Educational Apparel). They may also be purchased from the uniform section of a department store or catalog, provided they match those from the uniform company in style, fabric and color. No denim jeans. STRETCH PANTS/LEGGINGS ARE NOT PERMITTED, unless under shorts!
Shirts (Grade K-8): Solid colors, white or light blue. Shirts must have a collar. They may be knit or dress shirt style, long or short sleeve. Shirts must be tucked in. No colored garments or T-Shirts with print may be visibly worn under a uniform shirt.
Girls and Boys Grades K-8
Sweater: Plain navy blue or white, cardigan or pullover. No excessively tight or loose sweaters are permitted.
Sweatshirt: Official St. Helen sweatshirt sold by PTO, crewneck or hoodie or sweatshirt with the plaid lettering on the front may be worn. A collared uniform shirt must be worn under sweatshirts. Spirit wear is reserved for pride events and out-of-uniform days.
Tee Shirts: Should be plain white with no writing or pictures showing through. Sleeves may not be longer than the outer shirt. No colored tee shirts may be worn under a uniform blouse or shirt.
Socks: Must be worn and must be plain white, black, or navy only. Plain white, black, or navy tights or leggings may be worn with uniform skirts and jumpers. Leggings must extend to the ankle and no skin may be showing.
Shoes: Athletic shoes are preferred for wear with the uniform because they are safer. Any gym shoes or other shoes worn with black soles must be non-marking. Flip-flops, clogs, thongs, sandals, Heelys (skate shoes), crocs, house slippers, booties, as well as shoes higher than normal heels, are not permitted. Boots may be worn to school but students must change into shoes upon arrival.
Shorts: Plain solid navy blue, cotton-poly waist-level shorts are permitted year round (no
shorter than 2 inches above knee). Shorts are not to be skin tight or excessively loose and can be purchased from the uniform company (Educational Apparel). They may also be purchased from the uniform section of a department store or catalog, provided they match those from the uniform company in style, fabric and color.
Gym Uniform: This uniform must be purchased from St Helen’s. No alterations of the uniform are permitted. Students must wear their PE uniform on the day their class is scheduled for PE.
Uniform must be purchased from: Tuffy Brooks 101 S. Keowee St. Dayton, OH 45402 (937) 461-5570 https://www.tuffybrooks.com/collections/st-helen
The school has some adult sizes in storage. Contact Ms. Simmons if you need adult sizes lsimmons@sainthelenschool.org. Neither Trojan Trot or Spirit Wear are considered as the PE uniform
Jewelry: No jewelry is permitted except one small ring, one wrist watch, one bracelet, and one religious necklace (cross, dove, scapular, saint medal, or other acceptable Christian symbol). No pocket chains. Earrings, if worn, are to be very small and non-dangling. Piercing, other than of the ear lobes, is not permitted.
Make-up: No face make-up, body make-up, tattoos, or lipstick permitted; this includes nail polish. No artificial fingernails, eyelashes, or sewn-in eyelashes are permitted.
*In the event a student chooses to violate the make-up and/or hair policies that will require salon time, they will have one week to fix or will not be able to come back to school until it is rectified.
Hair: Hairstyles and color should be moderate with hair out of the eyes and away from the face, so they do not cause distractions. Hair dyeing in unnatural colors, false hairpieces, or other fads is not permitted. No hoods, hats, or head coverings inside the building unless it’s a specific theme day. Headbands and bows should be small and not distracting (i.e. cat ears, unicorn horns, etc are prohibited).
*In the event a student chooses to violate the make-up and/or hair policies that will require salon time, they will have one week to fix or will not be able to come back to school until it is rectified.
Scents: No perfume, cologne, or scented hand or body lotion may be worn out of consideration for all of those with allergies and asthma. In addition, aerosol deodorants may not be used in school.
Belt: If worn must be black, brown or navy blue.
Backpack: Wheels are not permitted.
***If you have a Cricket or Silhouette machine, the clothing you put the design on has to be identical in style and color.
***All students are expected to come to school clean, neat and well-groomed with garments in good repair.***
Oversized or skin tight clothing of any kind is not in compliance with the School Dress Code. Any student who is not in compliance with the St. Helen School Dress Code will be issued a Notification Slip (Attachment A) stating the details of the violation. This will be signed by the parent and returned to school. Any extreme violation will be sent home until corrected. Time missed from school will be an unexcused absence or absences.
Dress Code Violation Consequences
1st offense: Vice card signature, School Dress Code Notification Slip sent home to be signed by parent/guardian and returned the following day.
2nd offense: Vice card signature, School Dress Code Notification Slip sent home to be signed by parent/guardian and returned the following day.
3rd offense: Vice card signature, School Dress Code Notification Slip sent home to be signed by parent/guardian, returned the following day and loss of out of uniform privilege on next out of uniform day.
4th offense: Vice card signature, School Dress Code Notification Slip sent home to be signed by parent/guardian, returned the following day and Conduct Detention issued.
If a student receives 3 conduct detentions for dress code violations, a conference will be held and in-school suspension (ISS) will be assigned. The next infraction following ISS will result in a conference with the parent, student, teacher, and principal, during which a behavior contract will be developed. The contract will include steps that will follow for further infractions (a second ISS, out-of-school suspension, or expulsion are possible next steps).
Out of Uniform Dress Code:
School out of uniform days are announced in advance with guidelines. On these days, students may wear street clothes, including jeans. Extreme styles of clothing are not to be worn. This includes extremely short clothes, shirts showing cleavage, spaghetti-strap garments, baggy or oversized clothes, too tight clothing, midriff-baring or see-through clothes, tank tops with nothing underneath them, clothing that reveals undergarments or clothing with holes or tears. NO STRETCH PANTS/LEGGINGS are allowed unless under shorts or a skirt. Shoes with socks must be worn. Conservative dress is encouraged. Clothing must not reflect unchristian attitudes, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sex, violence, inappropriate or derogatory messages. The administration reserves the right to make the final decision on appropriate attire. Students who choose inappropriate clothing on out of uniform days will call home for a change of clothes. If no change is available, a clean uniform will be supplied. If for some reason there is a necessity for a student to be out of uniform on a day other than announced out of uniform days, a note from the parent is required. A student showing up out of uniform on a non-scheduled day will need to call home and have clothes brought to them unless it is an item that can be removed. Any extreme violation will be sent home until corrected. Time missed from school will be an unexcused absence(s).
Parent/Guardian cooperation to enforce the dress code is essential. Parents/Guardians should be aware of appropriate apparel and overall appearance, and should see that their children leave for school looking their best within modest limits.
Spirit Wear Days: The last day of the week (typically Friday), students may wear a St. Helen t- shirt, sweatshirt or jersey showcasing school pride with his/her uniform bottoms. The spirit wear MUST be St. Helen specific.
Updated September 19, 2023