Grade 3
At St. Helen, third graders are actively engaged in the academic curriculum and faith formation. Students participate in weekly Mass, Faith Family Mass planning and activities, and various service projects including a focus on the elderly. Through the Virtue Based Restorative Discipline structure, students study and practice monthly virtues.
In Religion, students learn that faith is a gift of God. They listen to stories of Jesus and discuss the meaning of Jesus' parables. Students learn the seven sacraments and identify the basic elements of the Liturgical year. Students practice and learn to recite the Apostles Creed. Different forms of prayer will be identified as well.
In Language Arts, students will read a variety of genres as well as chapter books individually and as a whole class. Assignments and assessments will center around each story to include vocabulary. Concepts focused on include working on topic, main idea and details, drawing conclusions, cause and effect, making inferences and sequencing. In Writing, students work on identifying the four types of sentences, nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and conjunctions. Students also write paragraphs focusing on development of topic, introduction, details and conclusions working up to larger writing pieces of various genres (narrative, informational, opinion, and persuasive. Spelling and Handwriting are included in the Language Arts curriculum. Students also take the Third Grade Reading Guarantee test.
In Math, students work on place value, rounding, addition and subtraction to start our year. Multiplication is a major focus with basic division. Students also work with graphs, charts, telling time, money, measure to the 1/4 inch, basic standard and metric measurement including capacity/volume. Additionally, geometric shapes, as well as, basic geometric vocabulary in focused upon as the year continues. Students regularly work on problem solving. Students work for an ice cream party at the end of the year, which can be earned by passing multiplication timed tests (0-9).
In Social Studies, map skills are taught. Students also learn various skills and concepts in the areas of government, economics, and history.
In Science, it is broken down into four standards. These include science inquiring and application, earth and space science, life science and physical science. In terms of science inquiry and application, students become more proficient in scientific processes, safety techniques and overall science content. In earth and space science, students learn about earth's resources. The life science unit focuses on living and nonliving organisms and their traits. In physical science, the students will learn about matter and the different types of energy. During Health classes, students learn about nutrition and making healthy choices.
St. Helen students also participate in special classes including Art, Library, Music, and an introduction to Spanish. Each third grade student has access to a Chromebook.
Updated: September 18, 2022