Grade 5
St. Helen School creates an unique learning environment which encompasses our Catholic faith, academics, service and extracurricular opportunities promoting a well-rounded educational experience. The virtuous surroundings enable our students to excel to their greatest ability in all areas both in and out of school.
In religion, the primary focus for fifth grade is the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church. Students also learn the parts of the Mass, specific prayers, and complete activities/projects related to the saints, service, virtues, and our church. Students actively participate in weekly Mass with their Faith Family, and fifth graders have the opportunity to participate as cantors and altar servers. Additionally, various service projects are performed throughout the year included during Catholic Schools Week, recycling throughout the school and other community service opportunities.
In language arts, instruction incorporates several areas of the curriculum: reading, writing/expression, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary. Using a mix of nonfiction and fiction, students read various genres, which include classroom novels, short stories and close reading (citing from the selection). Activities, vocabulary (Vocabulary Workshop and reading), and projects focus on reading comprehension and understanding. Spelling concentrating on specific student skill sets. Within writing, students explore the writing process with various genres of writing, writing to a prompt, narrative, descriptive, persuasive, and informative.
In math, fifth grade continues to build upon skills taught in previous years, with a focus upon decimals, fractions, measurement/data, and geometry. Students will have the opportunity to work in groups and pairs, as well as with technology and varied manipulatives. Students will also experience real-world problem solving.
In social studies, students focus on geography, learning the five themes with an emphasis on Canada, Central and South America. A study of the ancient civilizations from the North and South American continents continues into new world exploration. Students finally progress into American History through the American Revolution.
In science, there is a variety of sciences studied in fifth grade. The environmental focus is upon air quality and noise pollution. Life sciences center on an amphibian study. The earth and space sciences bring together space and astronomy; energy and electricity are the concentrations for physical sciences. Health continues with a focal point on eating disorders, and harmful substances. Students have the opportunity to participate in hands-on activities, experiments, and projects. STEM skills culminate each year with a week at Star Base.
Students actively participate in extra curricular classes including: art, library, music, introduction to Spanish and physical education during the school day.
Updated September 11, 2022