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Kindergarten readiness assessment will take place in the Spring. (Please contact our school office for specific dates.)  Our kindergarten is a full day program.  Academic subjects of language arts and math are held in the morning with science, social studies and religion being held in the afternoon. There are two recesses per day.  Kindergartners also have gym twice a week, music twice a week, art and library once a week. (Note: Parents with school age children attending St. Helen School can enroll their kindergartner during in-house enrollment in February.)


  • In religion, students study basic prayers (Sign of the Cross, Hail Mary, Our Father, and Glory Be to the Father), bible stories (Creation, Nativity, Good Samaritan and Easter), Religious Seasons (Advent/Christmas, Lent/Easter), Service Projects, Weekly Mass (responses, prayers), Saints (Mary, St Theresa) and Faith Families.

  • In language arts, the program Superkids is used as a comprehensive core literacy curriculum. A deliberate text approach built on systematic phonics. It balances all five essential elements of reading. This program integrates reading, writing, spelling and grammar. 

  • In math, students work on numbers 0-20, place value, ordinal numbers, position words, shapes, simple addition and subtraction, graphs, patterns/sorting, measurement, daily math journal and counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s.

  • In handwriting, students work on writing first and last name, letter and number formation, along with  journal writing.

  • In science and social studies, we discuss the days of the week, months of the year, holidays, seasons, rules/responsibilities, maps/globes, jobs/community workers, needs/wants, transportation, magnets, plants, seeds and weather.

Updated on September 11, 2022

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About St. Helen School

Opening in 1954, St. Helen School strives to build character by living virtuously.  First in the State of Ohio to be certified as a Virtue Based Restorative Discipline School, students are educated in the Catholic Faith. This provides a nurturing environment to allow each student to grow spiritually, academically and emotionally. Our focus on faith formation and academic excellence prepares students to be lifelong learners. St. Helen, located in Riverside, Ohio, is a community that celebrates diversity and welcomes families from many areas including:  BeavercreekDaytonFairbornHuber HeightsRiverside, and military families from Wright Patterson Air Force Base.

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5086 Burkhardt Road
Riverside, OH 45431


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