Mission Statement

St. Helen School is a preschool through eighth grade school in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Our mission is to provide a structured, nurturing environment that allows each student to grow spiritually, academically, and emotionally. As educators, we accept the challenge of our ministry to model Catholic morals, values, and traditions. Our focus on faith formation and academic excellence prepares the students to be life-long learners who will work to better the world through on-going service. (May 2013)
Belief Statements
Following the Catholic educational tradition, St. Helen School…
believes the foundation of our school is based on faith formation
believes the involvement of our school families, parish, and community at large is a vital component to each child’s spiritual growth
believes that providing children service opportunities is essential to developing life-long Christian values
believes that cultural diversity is central to student learning and will increase our students’ understanding and acceptance of different cultures
believes that each student is unique and capable of learning (May 2013)
Updated: September 16, 2021