Tuition Collection Policy
Parents may choose one of the following options for tuition payment schedule:
Pay all at one time, due September 1st.
Pay by semester: September 1st & February 1st.
Pay bi-monthly: Sept 1st, Nov 1st, Jan 1st, March 1st, May 1st
Pay monthly: in 10 payments, first payment due by September 1st and the balance due on the first of the month from September 1 through June 1st.
Regardless of the schedule chosen, payment must be kept current.
The following tuition policies apply:
Any family who does not have their first tuition payment paid by the August deadline will lose their registration fee and their child(ren)’s name will be removed from class lists to accommodate new registrations. To have their child(ren) put back on class lists, they must pay a registration fee to re-register their children.
New families, who register after the August deadline for the first payment, must pay both a registration fee and the first tuition payment at time of registration.
Registration fees are non-refundable. Families who withdraw their child(ren) after having paid the first tuition payment will forfeit the first month’s tuition payment. Exception: families who move out of the Miami Valley
Dates when tuition payments are due are listed on the Tuition Payment Plan form that every family signs and returns with their registration fee. If a family is delinquent with tuition, and has not notified the office in writing, indicating when payment will be made, an additional $25 charge will be added to the tuition due. A grace period of five calendar days from tuition due date will be given. Failure to make payment on the date indicated when extension is requested in writing, will result in the $25 charge. ALL families are required to enroll in the FACTS Tuition Management Program. Payments need to be made online through the family account.
Please note there is an additional charge that will apply if checks are returned from the bank indicating insufficient funds. Families who have not kept current on tuition payments will receive a letter to communicate with the school by a given date, or children will be excluded from school.
It is not the intent of the Administration to exclude children from school, but to emphasize to parents the need for them to contact the school office to make other arrangements when they cannot make their tuition payments on time. Year-end report cards will not be released until tuition is brought up to date.
An active parishioner is defined as:
1. Be registered members of St. Helen Parish.
2. Attend Mass regularly.
3. Support St. Helen with their tithe (Offertory) and talent (volunteering).
Please note this additional charge of $25 will apply if checks are returned from the bank indicating insufficient funds. To avoid this, send in writing when payment will be made.
Families who have not kept current on tuition payments will receive a letter to communicate with the school by a given date, or children will be excluded from school. It is not the intent of the Administration to exclude children from school, but to emphasize to families the need for them to contact the school office to make other arrangements when they cannot make their tuition payments on time. Year-end report cards will not be released until tuition is brought up to date.
Updated September 17, 2023